Forests are essential for a net-zero Europe!

With European forests growing by 157 million m3 annually, their capacity for carbon sequestration grows by 141 million tons every single year! Source: State of Europe’s Forests 2020
Circular packaging from wood-based fibers

Fibre-based packaging has one of the lowest carbon footprints of any packaging substrate! Thanks to the #circularity of fibre packaging, it has minimal effect on the environment 🍃 during its: ♻️ Production ➡️ it is made from recycled and renewable fibres. ♻️ End of life ➡️ cardboard can be recycled again and again. Source: Cepi
Sustainable forest management ensures biodiversity protection

Sustainable forest management ensures biodiversity protection and increases the forests’ sequestration and regeneration capacity. Thanks to the increased CO2 absorption due to sustainable stewardship and the substitution of fossil-based products with forest-based materials, the European forest-based sector mitigates 20% of all fossil emissions in the European Union. Source: Cepi, 2020
The forest-based sector, backbone in EU economy

🇪🇺 With 4 million people employed by the European forest-based sector, many of whom are based in rural areas, the forest sector forms the backbone of EU’s economy. From construction and eco-friendly packaging to renewable energy and pharmaceuticals, products from the forest sector enable industries behind many of the EU’s strategic development goals. 🌲 🌳 […]
50 % reduced water intake

The forest fibre-based industry continues to invest in technologies to close the processes, reuse, and clean water. Therefore, water intake 🌊 has decreased almost by half in the past 30 years! #DYK that the after cleaning, the industry returns 90% of the water to the environment.Source: Cepi
Happy New Year 2024!

🌲🎉 Happy New Year from #Greensource!🎉🌲 Let’s celebrate growth, sustainability, and prosperity by continuing to nurture our forests and creating a flourishing and greener future together in 2024! #DYK that each year European forests grow by an average 157 million m3? Source: State of Europe’s forests 2020 #Greensource
🎄✨ Happy Holidays from #Greensource!

🎄✨ Happy Holidays from #Greensource! As we celebrate the season of giving, we encourage you to add a touch of sustainability to your festivities. 🌿Remember to reuse or recycle your gift wrappings and cardboard boxes and spread the joy while reducing your footprint.
#DYK that the land covered by forests has continuously grown in Europe over the last 15 years?

#DYK that the land covered by forests has continuously grown in Europe over the last 15 years? 🌲🌲🌲🌲It has grown by 59,000 km2 which is the equivalent of twice the surface area of Belgium! 🇧🇪🇧🇪Source: State of Europe’s forests 2020#Greensourceeugreensource.orgCepi, Pro Carton – The association of carton and cartonboard manufacturers, The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment , EUROPEAN ORGANISATION OF THE SAWMILL […]
Cardboard has one of the lowest carbon footprints of any packaging substrate!

Cardboard has one of the lowest carbon footprints of any packaging substrate!Thanks to the #circularity of cardboard packaging, it has minimal effect on the environment 🍃 during its:♻️ Production ➡️ it is made from recycled and renewable fibres.♻️ End of life ➡️ cardboard can be recycled again and again.Source: Cepi#Greensourceeugreensource.orgCepi, Pro Carton – The association of carton and cartonboard manufacturers, The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment , […]
The cartonboard and folding carton industry has reduced its carbon footprint by 24%

The cartonboard and folding carton industry has reduced its carbon footprint by 24% since 2018, averaging at 249 kgCO2e cradle-to-grave. Through improved resource efficiencies and investments in renewable energy sources the fibre-based packaging industry has become a leader in climate impact reduction. Source: The Carbon Footprint of Carton Packaging 2023 study, carried out by […]